Page name: KISS soldiers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-04 21:00:14
Last author: akhirah
Owner: ~Knives~
# of watchers: 8
Fans: 0
D20: 15
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*Kiss*.......*Kiss*....*Kiss* ..........*Kiss*.....*Kiss*
*Kiss**Kiss*...........*Kiss*..........* Kiss*.....*Kiss*
*Kiss*...*Kiss*........*Kiss*..........* Kiss*....*Kiss*.

Created and maintained by [akhirah].



To paste it at your house, you just have to paste this code without the little *:


You're now a KISS soldier, born to serve and defend your masters Paul Stanley (The Starchild), Ace Frehley (SpaceAce), Peter Criss (The Catman) and Gene Simmons (The Demon). Don't try to hide or get away: you know the rules and you gonna play. They saw everything. They are...

...the Four who are One.


1.[JUST Mike]


3.[Hallow's Eve]


1.[Yngwie can't touch this™] I worship Ace!

2.[JUST Mike]

3.[Jack of all trades]


5.[The Dark Lord]



2.[JUST Mike]



5.[Hallow's Eve]


7.[dark cleric]






3.[JUST Mike]




You wanted the got the best.

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2004-05-20 [kissgirl is gone]: So, are there KISS fans around here ?

2004-05-21 [zenalai princess]: kiss fan right here!

2004-06-16 [~Knives~]: 2 KISS fans here!

2004-06-17 [*Pinky*]: KISS IS AWESOME!!! i love them soo much!!

2004-06-18 [Raditz]: Catman xD Fwoar - This is rad

2004-06-19 [~Knives~]: My fav songs are lick it up and rock and roll all night!!!

2004-06-19 [VorpalBlade910]: omg Dreamin is the coolest song!

2004-06-20 [kissgirl is gone]: I agree !!! But "Love Gun" is my favourite !!!

2004-06-21 [~Knives~]: Strutter is a good one too!

2004-07-03 [metalhendrix]: yeah but callin dr. love is good to

2004-07-04 [kissgirl is gone]: Hehe... You're right: Dr. Love's lyrics are HOT. But talking of lyrics, am I the one who think that KISS went a little bit too far with "Larger than Life" ?

2004-07-04 [metalhendrix]: yeah have u noticed they dont have a cd with all there hits

2004-07-05 [Hallow's Eve]: i fucking love KISS i went and saw them about a month ago and i had gene wave to me stick out his tounge and somthing else which i want say coz i will blush and later i had paul blow me a kiss yayay love them so much it was the best time every

2004-07-05 [metalhendrix]: ive wanted to c kiss and i finally get to when they come here to georgia with poison

2004-07-05 [Hallow's Eve]: that is heaps cool

2004-07-05 [VorpalBlade910]: i had to go on a trip to washington d.c and missed when they came here with poison...*crys*

2004-07-05 [metalhendrix]: dude that sux

2004-07-05 [VorpalBlade910]: ...i know, you're telling me

2004-07-06 [metalhendrix]: yup im also seein rush when they come to ga but im more excitted bout kiss

2004-07-06 [kissgirl is gone]: Bwa. I never saw KISS because they never come in my country. I live too far TT_TT . But I saw David Bowie and it was a wonderful show !

2004-07-06 [metalhendrix]: david bowie is pretty kool

2004-07-06 [~Knives~]: ya bowie rocks!

2004-07-07 [metalhendrix]: i just bought the kiss unplugged album today its good but there were other songs they couldve dopne lik forever everybodys got a reason to live and pchyco circus

2004-07-08 [~Knives~]: i got the very best of kiss on june 4th

2004-07-08 [metalhendrix]: i also have smashes thrashes and hits

2004-07-08 [kissgirl is gone]: I got in 78 the limited version of "The originals". It costed me an arm an a half, but it's great ! I love 78...

2004-07-08 [metalhendrix]: sweet

2004-07-08 [~Knives~]: i was listening to kiss and my step-cousin came in and said kiss sucks!

2004-07-08 [~Knives~]: so i beat him up!

2004-07-08 [VorpalBlade910]: haha go smithers

2004-07-08 [metalhendrix]: yeah i hope u kiked his ass

2004-07-09 [~Knives~]: and he said that Metallica and Bob Marley sucks!

2004-07-09 [~Knives~]: i also kicked his ass for that too!

2004-07-09 [VorpalBlade910]: omg!...what does the guy listen to?

2004-07-09 [~Knives~]: i think beastie boys and pop music

2004-07-09 [VorpalBlade910]: what is wrong with him?! i mean...some of the beastie boys are okay...but.....pop?!

2004-07-09 [~Knives~]: ya he must be gay

2004-07-09 [VorpalBlade910]: hehe are there warning signs poping up for him lol?

2004-07-09 [metalhendrix]: gasp he dissed metallica were is he ill kut him ill kut him good

2004-07-09 [VorpalBlade910]: hehe...

2004-07-09 [~Knives~]: well hes gone now so no beating for him but i did sneak in a punch or two

2004-07-09 [metalhendrix]: ok ill have to hunt him down then

2004-07-09 [~Knives~]: ya anyone here have MSN?

2004-07-09 [metalhendrix]: no i have aim tho

2004-07-10 [~Knives~]: my MSN is

2004-07-14 [kissgirl is gone]: Hey, does anyone is interested by an expansion of KISS Soldiers called "Share your collection" ? I saw that no one is interested by the Chat, the Songs and the Banner Contest, so I ask before to create it...

2004-07-16 [metalhendrix]: sure go ahead

2004-07-28 [dark cleric]: KISS are gods I own almost every 33 album they have including Double Platinum My Favorite Kiss song I would have to Say would be none other than Domino KISS are the gods of rock

2004-08-06 [metalhendrix]: wow dude i mean kiss is kool theyt rnt the greatest tho

2004-08-06 [~Knives~]: ya but they kick major ass though

2004-08-07 [VorpalBlade910]: they do

2004-08-23 [~Knives~]: wow no one talks here!

2004-08-23 [metalhendrix]: yeah dudes talk

2004-08-23 [~Knives~]: its like just us wow no one at all

2004-08-23 [kissgirl is gone]: Yeah, I think we are out of subjects... Does anybody have an idea ? ^^;

2004-08-24 [~Knives~]: hows the gene simmons thing going for ya kissgirl?

2004-08-25 [VorpalBlade910]: oh Gene simmons rocks

2004-08-26 [~Knives~]: today i listend to Kiss for 6 straight ours

2004-08-27 [VorpalBlade910]: LOL niffty

2004-08-27 [kissgirl is gone]: (Answer for Killer_Smithers) I'll start to sew the Gene doll this week-end, but only if I have time. I still don't have material for his cape... But I discovered how to make studs on his costume. ^^

2004-08-28 [VorpalBlade910]: i have a model of him i have to finish painting, thanks for reminding me

2004-08-29 [kissgirl is gone]: Did anyone else start a KISS work of art ? *very curious* ^^;

2004-08-29 [~Knives~]: i want to start an art piece but i don't know what

2004-08-30 [kissgirl is gone]: Paint an entire wall. Sew a doll. Draw. Write poetry... If you're out of inspiration, go see fanarts at, they are wonderful ! 

2004-09-25 [metalhendrix]: wats everyones favorite kiss song mines god of thunder

2004-09-25 [~Knives~]: mine is etiher lick it up or rock n' roll all night

2004-09-25 [Shadow of the Bat]: I wanna rock and roll al nite, and party everyday, that's definate;y my favorite Kiss song of all time...

2004-10-01 [kissgirl is gone]: Hi everyone ! I just want to tell you that I'm quitting Elftown. But you have to know that I loved to be here and to rule this wiki was fantastic. Like I told it on the top of the page, [~Knives~] is now the new wikimaster. Be proud, everyone, because you're KISS fans. 

2004-10-02 [~Knives~]: hey whats up everyone? lets get some chatting done here

2004-10-02 [Shadow of the Bat]: sorry to see ya go kissgirl, even though I ain't been on here long lol :)

2004-10-31 [metalhendrix]: DUDES I GOT THE NEW CD GOLD 2 CDS AND ONE DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-10-31 [~Knives~]: lets get soem chatting done here damnit

2004-10-31 [~Knives~]: lets get some chatting done here damnit

2004-11-13 [~Knives~]: hey check out my other wiki The Sarafan Brotherhood

2004-12-29 [Shadow of the Bat]: hey, what happened in here?

2004-12-30 [Hallow's Eve]: is this still the kiss site it looks very not kiss

2005-01-04 [~Knives~]: Some moron hacked it............

2005-01-04 [Shadow of the Bat]: *shakes head* what a loser, I hope thats not how he gets his kicks, cuase if he does he really needs to get a life

2005-01-04 [~Knives~]: ya and the crappy thing is I have no idea what to do with it

2005-01-05 [Shadow of the Bat]: hmm well, try to start from scratch, just delete that crap up there and try to start over is pretty much all you CAN do

2005-01-05 [~Knives~]: hoo boy itll take a while but Ill get to it when I get my new computer which should be a week or so from now

2005-01-05 [Shadow of the Bat]: yeah, it will, but it'll be over soon

2005-01-06 [~Knives~]: Im glad the moron who hacked this page got banned

2005-01-08 [Shadow of the Bat]: yeah thats a good thing

2005-01-09 [~Knives~]: I wonder who reported him , did the idiot not know that it shows who changes the wiki?

2005-01-09 [Shadow of the Bat]: maybe, maybe not

2005-01-09 [~Knives~]: Some raccoons make and some don't

2005-01-10 [VorpalBlade910]: ...are you kidding me?

2005-01-10 [Shadow of the Bat]: huh?

2005-01-11 [~Knives~]: say wha?

2005-01-11 [Shadow of the Bat]: I don't know what's goin on

2005-01-11 [~Knives~]: Some moron hacked the site and now I need to remake it, after I get my own computer

2005-01-11 [Shadow of the Bat]: no I knew that, just about what they were talkin about for a second

2005-01-15 [~Knives~]: Oh okay I gotcha

2005-01-16 [akhirah]: i suggest a password for this page XD

2005-01-21 [~Knives~]: Akhirah, do you wish to be the wiki master of this one?

2005-01-21 [akhirah]: i dunno...not sure if i'd have time for this..

2005-01-29 [akhirah]: well, i updated it and added some spoofy graphics...XD

2005-02-26 [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: I'd like to join, man!

2005-02-26 [akhirah]: then comment on which section u'd like to be in..

2005-03-09 [p7]: lol should i make my mom join this cuz shes like in luv w/

2005-03-09 [~Knives~]: Have her join then!

2005-11-16 [Anthrax]: Hey!!! can i join??

2005-11-16 [akhirah]: of course! whos your fave KISS guy?

2005-11-17 [Anthrax]: erm probably peter chris!! caus ima drummer as well so ye!! rock on!!

2005-11-19 [akhirah]: ur added XD

2005-11-19 [Anthrax]: YAY thanks!!!

2005-11-19 [Erestor]: Hey, I'd like to join as a fan of Demon.

2005-11-19 [akhirah]: awesome!! i'll add ya XD

2005-12-28 [loki05]: I'm a friend of Kissgirl, the one who basically created this wiki. I just wanted to say from her part that she likes all the changes you have made.

2005-12-28 [akhirah]: im glad she likes

2006-11-04 [Nazarath.93]: I love this place, can i join?

2006-11-04 [akhirah]: sure..

2006-11-04 [Nazarath.93]: can you put me under gene?

2006-11-04 [akhirah]: done =D

2006-11-04 [Nazarath.93]: thanks ^^

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